Saturday, December 1, 2007

Despair and Hope

I took an old poem of mine that I composed this year and re-worked it this morning. Happy reading!

Despair and Hope

On a regular basis we hear and read about bloodshed,

Clearly people are not thinking with their head,

To them, fighting seems like the only option,

But still yet, there is another undiscovered direction.

This direction is the path of peace and harmony,

Of which unity and togetherness is the main philosophy,

Many countries have embraced this new door,

But from other nations we are hoping for much more.

This approach to friendship,

Will surely result in a stronger level of comradeship,

Reinforcing to us the notion that the human race is all but one,

Just one big world living under the sun.

Sometimes windows may be closed and doors may be forgotten,

So let us open the window of our heart,

And turn over the page to make a new start.

Will the world suddenly change to a new awakening?

Will someone light the candle of hope?

I dream of an ideal world of pure harmony and joy,

Where children play and flowers bloom,

And a place where there is a minimal amount of doom and gloom.

Written and edited by Paulash Chatterjee

Composed on: 26 July 2007

Edited on: 1 December 2007

Australian Election

I was very happy with the way the Federal election went. Howard, Costello and co. had gone stale and "new energy, new ideas and new leadership"/ the notion of generational change had captivated the Australian electorate. Not many people are giving Kevin Rudd credit, but he will be a great Prime Minister and he will lead a highly successful team.

On the Libs side of things, it is nice to see "civil war" erupting among that rabble of people. I watched Lateline last night on ABC, and Costello was still whinging about the merits of giving him the leadership instead of Howard. Anyway, the Opposition will take at least 6-10 years to get their house in order again.

Some more humorous posts regarding the Australian election are coming up. Watch this space!