Sunday, October 10, 2010

New material

I was going through my blog right now and noticed that I had not published anything since October 2009 (which is almost one year now!). I guess during the year I have been a little bit occupied with trying to establish myself professionally. A lot has being happening internationally, locally and domestically over the past year. The experience of blogging has been quite pleasant and I hope to get back into it again soon when I get some more time on my hands.

There is a lot of material to update my blog followers on, such as:
  • Palestine/Israel situation
  • The Australian Federal Election
  • Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Another possible episode of "Smirkman", "Mr Ambitious" and "Big Ears"
  • Satirical updates of news and current affairs from throughout the world
  • and much much more ....

So readers, do not despair, material is there. Watch this space....

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