Well here we are. I have arrived at my first ever blog (after the Welcome). I woke up this morning with a sense of fear. A few days ago, ABC's The Chaser Team took a fake motorcade near to the entrance of the APEC Summit and the rest, as they say, is all history! Now coming out of that event there are some reasons for people to be concerned.
After 2001, the world was fighting against terrorism. Today we face another kind of terror: humour. Yes, folks, lets face it, comedians who make this country laugh are biggest threat in the 21st century. And yet, the government is not acting on this, they are letting it grow. The reality of a laughter attack is eminent, as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival isn't that far away. The biggest threats to national security are Rove MacManus, Peter Heliar and Dave Hughes. I reckon they should be sentenced heavily - the reason: Laughter is contagious when they make jokes. The world is an uncertain place - the worst thing one would want is for a comedian to hijack a plane as a publicity stunt or something crazy like that.
My fellow Aussies value humour. We should stop comedians coming to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (like Stephen K Amos) because they could "unleash" the unkown power of Contagious Laughter. Police should be allowed to detain them for 48 hours.
I am truly shocked by the government's actions. The people of Australia need substantiated information about where exactly these Weapons of Mass Humourisation are, otherwise, this war is going to be as elusive as trying to find those WMD's in Iraq (which were subsequently proven not to be there).
In conclusion I say that any comedian across the country who makes jokes good enough to get an audience to laugh hysterically, should be given life imprisonment. Australia's sense of humour has dried up in the last 5 years or so. So you comedians better watch out - the AFP might knock on your door tomorrow morning!
Disclaimer: I bear no responsibility if you injure yourself by falling off your chair laughing.
Yeah, timely warning.
We decide who comes here, and the manner in which they laugh.
I have heard that there are a range of failed theatres in the Middle East Village (NY) sponsoring such 'laughter' acts such as Osama Bin Liner .... clearly a humour fundamentalist.
Be alert, not amused.
PS a couple of pointers: I think his name is Stephen K Amos.
What a hilarious and new outlook on satire itself! Yes, I never considered the damaging effect comedians have on national security ... i for one was unnerved by the ease of the Chaser team's penetration of APEC security. Australia has become a laughingstock, and not in a good way.
Keep up the political satire mate!
Sweet, lol this is really.......funny.....nice stirical statement on a topic that should be considered very seriously in this world...or not:)
nice work moni!
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