Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Link between Harry Potter and Kevin Rudd

In some ways...I think Harry Potter and Kevin Rudd are similar. Now you might go "hang on a minute mate, what the?" Well, they:

1. Both wear glasses
2. Are determind to defeat Voldemort (in Rudd's case, that would be John Howard or the Libs)
3. When they seem dead, they always seem to fight back and stay alive (Rudd in the opinion polls)
4. And they look destined for big things (Rudd aspiring to defeat Howard and become PM)

I hope we don't see Rudd putting spells on Cabinet Ministers anytime soon. That would be real crazy! :) The picture in my mind is just hillarious....couldn't think of Rudd shouting "Expellariamous" at Costello from the opposite side of Parliament!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... link between kr and hp, where'd u get that

well done, vivid imagination......And a very funny piece if a lil short

anyways good work man.......