Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Newest Plot - "The Uprising" (Intifadah)

Note: All character, events and places refered to are fictitous and bear no resemblance to real life. If for some reason, they do, then it is a mere coincidence.

Composed on: 26/7/07 (it is a Work-In-Progress)

Setting: current time/era

Place: Gaza Strip and West Bank, Palestine (occupied by Israel)

Characters: Mohammed al-Jabbar (father), Nasser al-Jabbar (son), Abu al-Akbar (senior Fatah leader), Mustafa Hanim (senior Fatah leader), Major Yoshua Peled (Israeli Army soldier).

Plot Synopsis: On hearing the news his friend gives him, the father switches on the television to see that Hamas fighters have captured the Gaza Strip from Fatah. The father then proceeds to call out for his son, who is nowehere to be found. Suddenly, an Israeli soldier knocks on his front door and asks him to identify a body he has found. The father looks down and is amazed that it is the dead body of his son. They both then carry the body and bury it in the backyard. Then he weeps and mourns for his son and has flashbacks about trying to tell him not to join the radical extremist group Hamas.

Supplmentary Thoughts: I had a pang of inspiration on writing something on the Hamas takeover on watching the analysis in the news programs for it. With this story (which I am yet to sit down and write!) I have attempted to put a human face on all of the suffering that is currently happening. The end of the story is not a happy or sad one, rather it is one that questions and reflects on our inner thoughts.

Copyright (c) Paulash Chatterjee 2007

Team India wins!

I watched the final of the recently concluded Twenty20 World Championship. India has had a reputation for about the last decade of falling at the last hurdle or a symptom more commonly known to the wider public as the "chokers" tag.

And finally on Monday night we (Team India) emerged victorious and won some piece of silverware since 1983. I argue with my friends.....that hey we don't get any serious competition...coz every match it was like "and Australia wins another one ..." Now I am not being anti-Australian but my own opinion is that the Aussies needed a "good kick up the backside" as they were ego was getting far to big. They already thought they had the cup in the hand before the tournament even started.

My whole thinking on T20 is that it is for the better, as it gives the so-called "minnows" a chance to beat big established world teams. This will encourage competition, rather than one team having a monopoly. T20 is good for the game of cricket because you can't predict who will win the game right until the last ball is bowled. And I also believe that it should co-exist with the other forms - Test Cricket and ODI cricket (50 overs).


Sunday, September 9, 2007

The adventures of Captain Smirk - Part II

This is the second and last part of Captain Smirk's Spaceship journey through outer space.

13 years later.......

[Captain Smirk smirking to himself and enters the main cabin]
Captain Smirk: Little Johnny, many years ago on this very same day, you gave me a pinky promise that you would let me be Captain of this ship.
Little Johnny: Oh really, well let me tell you something Smirk, I've got no memory of that. We did no such thing.
Captain Smirk: Johnny don't you dare play games with me you old sod! Look we had an agreement, so get your stuff and get out of here while you still can. I am claiming my rightful Captain position on this Ship.
Little Johnny: As far as I am concerned I am going to stay put right here.
[Captain Smirk becomes a little aggresive now]
Captain Smirk: Well bring it on then I say!
[Captain Smirk and Little Johnny then engage in a fight scene like the ones in Star Wars]
Little Johnny: Evil Stutter!
[The Air is filled with the sounds of "Aaaahhh.....ummmmmm......uhhhhhh"]
[Captain Smirk successfully dodges his attack]
Captain Smirk: That the best you've got Johnny. Smirk Attack!
[Sure enough it works. Little Johnny is hit hard by the attack and falls back to Planet Earth]
Captain Smirk (beaming and smirking): Yes, at last I've got rid of him. Gee that was pretty hard though. I am the rightful Captain of this ship. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

[A voice in the main control room makes Captain Smirk stop laughing]
Voice: Rudd mothership approaching. 100km north.
[Captain Smirk stops smirking and beaming]
Captain Smirk: For Christ's sake, what is that mothership?
Voice: Captain, that is an enemy Mothership. If a Rudd Missile is launched from it, you will perish and so will this ship!
Captain Smirk (in tears): Maybe I shouldn't have got rid of that old sod Howard after all. We could have fought this battle together.
[Meanwhile the Rudd mothership is within firing range of Captain Smirk's ship]
Flight-Lieutant Swan: Captain Rudd, permission to launch the Rudd misile on Captain Smirk's ship.
Captain Rudd: Permission granted. Launch missile!
[The Rudd Missile is launched at Captain Smirk's ship]
[Meanwhile inside Smirk's ship the voice alerts him to the missile]
Voice: The Rudd missile has been launched and will be hitting our ship in approximately 5 seconds.
Captain Smirk: What the? Are you serious? What am I going to do now?
Voice: Well not a lot. It looks like your going down to Planet Earth to be with Little Johnny.
Captain Smirk: Wait a minute, hang on. This cannot be happening to me. I am the rightful Captain of this..... Is that a .....
[The Rudd missile is nearly 2 seconds away from impact]
Voice: Yes it is. Looks like the end has come for you and our mothership, Captain Smirk!

Captain Rudd and Flight-Lieutant Swan and the rest of the team on the mothership then became the new rulers of Outer Space. And everyone lived happily ever after.

End of Part II

The adventures of Captain Smirk - Part I

About a decade ago in 1994, Captain Smirk and Little Johnny became friends when Little Johnny became leader of the Opposition and Captain Smirk his able deputy. With the recent revelations being revealed in the media by Costello that he made an agreement with Howard on the leadership of the Liberal Party and the future Prime Minister-ship, I decided to go back and take a comic look at the whole thing.

[Captain Smirk enters]
Captain Smirk: Hello Little Johnny.
Little Johnny: Oh Hi Captain Smirk. Please take a seat.
[Captain Smirk sits down]
Captain Smirk: Thanks mate. Wanted to discuss something with you.
Little Johnny: Yeah go ahead, I'm all ears.
[Captain Smirk smirks]
Captain Smirk: Give me a pinky promise that you are going to let me be Captain of this Space Ship in another 4 years time.
Little Johnny: ahhh...ummm....uhhh....
Captain Smirk: C'mon Johnny, you know want to!
Little Johnny: ahhh....umm....uhhh...
Captain Smirk: Don't make me angry, then I will go all green like the Hulk did in that movie!
Little Johnny: That movie was great I must admit. Saw it with Janette.
[Captain Smirk starts to get a little peeved off]
Captain Smirk: Johnny, give me a pinky promise or else.... I will use my Smirk Attack to send you down to Planet Earth.
[Little Johnny feels a little intidimated]
Little Johnny: Okay then there ya go Smirk....It's done...ahhh....ummm....uhhhh.....
Captain Smirk: Thanks Johnny.
[Captain Smirk stands up and leaves the room]

End of Part I

The Link between Harry Potter and Kevin Rudd

In some ways...I think Harry Potter and Kevin Rudd are similar. Now you might go "hang on a minute mate, what the?" Well, they:

1. Both wear glasses
2. Are determind to defeat Voldemort (in Rudd's case, that would be John Howard or the Libs)
3. When they seem dead, they always seem to fight back and stay alive (Rudd in the opinion polls)
4. And they look destined for big things (Rudd aspiring to defeat Howard and become PM)

I hope we don't see Rudd putting spells on Cabinet Ministers anytime soon. That would be real crazy! :) The picture in my mind is just hillarious....couldn't think of Rudd shouting "Expellariamous" at Costello from the opposite side of Parliament!

Newest Poem

I write poetry from time to time. Here is my latest poem, titled "Sand, Soil and Music" which was published in a local community magazine this month. The theme is centred around global warming - a current international issue of interest. Watch this space as I may post my other poetry work here!

Sand, Soil and Music
By Paulash Chatterjee

As sand and soil weep in dismay,
The music of the earth and the morning sun’s ray,
Seem to be hundreds and millions of light years away,
I awake with a pain for the lost music of this universe every day.

Global warming ensures that poisoned air,
And toxic seas make the earth cry and moan,
Softness of life is now all rock and stone,
The heart of the world is full of pain,
Let the sunrise herald a new day of rain,
Strange hands grab me and I can only but despair.

The fragrance of wildflowers is needed to begin a fresh day,
People around the globe must now for their actions pay,
Cities and roads cannot just go up and up,
Very much like being given a golden cup,
“What is the need for all this?” ourselves we ask,
We have put modernity on our face as a mask

All over this glorious little land,
Many a good people live far away and close to the sand,
Be aware of the goodness of the human spirit!
Let the music of a simple life bring a new inspiration,
To which our children and their children can give an increased amount of dedication,
This is the deep meaning of the goodness of the human spirit,
And one that our children and their children can from us inherit.

25 July 2007

A cynical look on the War on Humour!

Well here we are. I have arrived at my first ever blog (after the Welcome). I woke up this morning with a sense of fear. A few days ago, ABC's The Chaser Team took a fake motorcade near to the entrance of the APEC Summit and the rest, as they say, is all history! Now coming out of that event there are some reasons for people to be concerned.

After 2001, the world was fighting against terrorism. Today we face another kind of terror: humour. Yes, folks, lets face it, comedians who make this country laugh are biggest threat in the 21st century. And yet, the government is not acting on this, they are letting it grow. The reality of a laughter attack is eminent, as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival isn't that far away. The biggest threats to national security are Rove MacManus, Peter Heliar and Dave Hughes. I reckon they should be sentenced heavily - the reason: Laughter is contagious when they make jokes. The world is an uncertain place - the worst thing one would want is for a comedian to hijack a plane as a publicity stunt or something crazy like that.

My fellow Aussies value humour. We should stop comedians coming to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (like Stephen K Amos) because they could "unleash" the unkown power of Contagious Laughter. Police should be allowed to detain them for 48 hours.

I am truly shocked by the government's actions. The people of Australia need substantiated information about where exactly these Weapons of Mass Humourisation are, otherwise, this war is going to be as elusive as trying to find those WMD's in Iraq (which were subsequently proven not to be there).

In conclusion I say that any comedian across the country who makes jokes good enough to get an audience to laugh hysterically, should be given life imprisonment. Australia's sense of humour has dried up in the last 5 years or so. So you comedians better watch out - the AFP might knock on your door tomorrow morning!

Disclaimer: I bear no responsibility if you injure yourself by falling off your chair laughing.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

About this blog....

In regards to my blog site, I will be posting material/stuff about numerous things. This may include political sattire, humorous ideas, politics and current affairs, world views, any much much more. Watch this space grow and grow!

A warm greetings!

I have officially now entered into the 22nd century now as I have opened my first ever blog account. I am pretty new to this kind of thing, but I think it shouldn't take long to get my head around it I hope!